قرر زعيم التيار الصدري، مقتدى الصدر، إلغاء إقامة صلاة الجمعة الموحدة في مراكز المحافظات التي كان من المقرر إقامتها في الجمعة القادمة. وأوضح بيان صادر عن مكتبه الخاص أن هذا القرار جاء وفقا لتوجيهات الصدر. وكان الصدر قد وجه أنصاره يوم أول أمس إلى إقامة صلاة موحدة في المحافظات بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية لإقامتها في عموم العراق بأمر من والده الشهيد محمد محمد صادق الصدر، إلا أن قرار إلغاء هذه الصلاة جاء متغيرًا عن القرار السابق.
– This decision is considered a shift from the previous decision to hold the unified Friday prayer, which was ordered by the late Shiite leader Mohammed Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr. The cancellation of the unified Friday prayer was in accordance with the directives of Al-Sadr. The cancellation of the unified Friday prayer was in line with the directives of Al-Sadr, as stated in a statement issued by his office. This decision came as a surprise to many, as it contradicted the initial decision to hold the unified Friday prayer in the governorates, which was ordered by the late martyr Mohammed Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr.
– The cancellation of the unified Friday prayer, which was scheduled to take place next Friday, came as per the directives of Al-Sadr. This decision was made by the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and was in line with his directives. The initial decision to hold the unified Friday prayer was made by Al-Sadr two days ago, as a commemoration of its anniversary in the governorates of Iraq, as ordered by his late father, the martyr Mohammed Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr. However, the cancellation of this prayer came as a deviation from the initial decision. This comes amid a growing political and social unrest in the country, and many are awaiting further clarification on the reasons behind this sudden change in decision.